Payroll Management

  • A new venture’s success heavily depends on these two variables. If hiring the right team is one of the key pillars of your business, then having a good system in place that helps you manage the team efficiently is another.
  • By having a payroll process in place, you are essentially automating a few of those micro administrative tasks so that you have the mental bandwidth to focus on the macro.
  • Here good and strong payroll system comes into picture.
  • We are professional payroll managers and we offer the following services under this head.
  • Salary structure with a view to minimize tax burden on the employee & maximize their take home salary. Receiving data from our client processing the same at our fully automated payroll management system.
  • While Managing the payroll for our client are consider monthly components / salary structure viz., Basic salary, dearness allowance & special allowances & deduction such a statutory deduction including contribution to EPF, ESIC Professional tax, TDS, Labor welfare fund & others. Voluntary deduction & annual components like incentives, Bonus, Leaves, Annual Encashment & Medical Benefits etc. related to each employee of the company.
  • Preparation of salary structure.
  • Salary / wages register and other as per the statutory requirements by rule / law/ Act etc.
  • Maintaining attendance record, leave record & other as per the statutory requirement by rules/law / Act etc.
  • Providing monthly salary slips.
  • Calculation of overtime / special incentives, bonus, leave encashment.
  • Preparing department wise location / state/ centre wise salary sheet.
  • Providing data for EPF, ESI Professional tax, Labor welfare fund compliance.
  • Filing of periodical returns as may be required under PF / ESI Act / Rule Professional tax.
  • Providing data for full & final settlements of due to retiring/ leaving employee.
  • Forecast income tax is calculation the thereon for the purpose of deduction every month.
  • DS Statement & Individual tax calculations.

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